PVC pipes replace traditional building materials such as metal, concrete, and clay in many applications.
Its durability, versatility, and long track record make it the essential polymer for the construction industry. It utilizes a contemporary replacement to classic materials such as rubber, metal, and glass in drinking water and wastewater pipes, window frames, flooring, and roofing foils, wall coverings, cables, and many more uses. These items are frequently lighter, durable, and provide several performance benefits over other fitting materials.
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is a flexible polymer made of chloroethylene monomers that have an atactic stereochemistry and a syndiotactic structure. Because of the high intermolecular interactions, the polymer is generally linear with few branching sites, yet it is still quite strong. For more enhancement of this material, we can add some agents. These agents may include but are not limited to phthalate plasticizers, heat and UV stabilizers, and other refining variables during the commercial polymerization of PVC.
Corrosion is one of the most severe issues with metal pipe systems. It happens both inside and outside the pipe and impacts hydraulic efficiency.
Many cities modify their water to reduce corrosion and pitting. Others choose expensive alternatives like cathodic protection, plastic coating, or sleeving to extend the pipes’ service life without increasing production and maintenance costs.
Unlike many typical pipe materials, PVC Pipes do not rust and provide better resistance to most types of chemicals. They are resistant to most solid acids, alkalis, and aqueous solutions and brine, mineral oils, fats, and alcohols. It implies that dangerous compounds are unlikely to enter water systems.
Plastic pipes’ corrosion resistance ensures a constant water flow rate throughout their lifespan. The energy required to pump water through the system does not increase as the pipeline ages.
Plastic pipes may be collected, recycled, and rebuilt into different PE or PVC Pipe fittings after their service life, 100 years or more. They may be recycled and reused at any point in their life cycle, from early in the production process to much later in the post-industrial usage stage.
PVC, for example, is recycled mechanically by being ground into tiny particles that are then heated into a plastic substance for manufacturing use. Alternatively, these can chemically be reduced to their molecular components before being fed either into creating new PVC or used as fuel for energy recovery. This reusability efficiently decreases waste from the manufacturing line and lessens a total load of PVC pipe disposal.
It also reduces the environmental impact of PVC over time.
Globally, up to 30% of all piped water perishes due to pipe leaks somewhere in the system. The leading cause of this is pipe failure. Whether PE or PVC Pipe fittings, plastic is flexible and do not have the identical inherent danger of breaking as metal steel or concrete counterparts.
They are less affected by ground movements and are strong enough to withstand deformation from traffic loading. Their intrinsic corrosion resistance makes them less sensitive to leaks that originate inside the pipe.
Plastic pipes also require fewer joints than those made from concrete, iron, or metal. PE pipes can be produced, transported, and installed longer than metal pipes. It enables plastic pipeline tubes installation with two- or three-times fewer joints than traditional pipelines. They are less likely to leak as lengths of PE pipes are installed with fusion-jointing processes.
The manufacture of PVC and PE pipes requires less energy than steel, copper, ductile iron or aluminum pipes. By contrast, energy-intensive zinc applications require essential steel and flexible iron pipes.
PVC and UPVC Pipes contain an extra energy-intensive mortar lining to strengthen and enhance the corrosion resistance of ductile iron pipes.
Plastic pipes also save energy due to the decreased energy needs for their transport, installation, handling, and maintenance. PVC and PE pipes, for example, are eight times less dense than steel pipes, so no heavy lifting equipment is required to move them during installation.
We can erect UPVC pipes using ‘trenchless technology,’ which causes significantly less disruption to traffic flows and the environment than the conventional systems they frequently replace.
Traditional plumbing system installation often begins with a trench excavated in the road, causing significant traffic and environmental disruption. A horizontal directional drilling machine, on the other hand, drills a continuous borehole beneath the earth for trenchless installations. When the drilling head reaches the end of the borehole, the plastic pipe is linked to it and drawn back through it.
Plastic pipes’ flexibility, along with their tensile strength and abrasion resistance, make them an ideal choice for trenchless installation.
PVC pipes have a significant weight advantage over other piping materials. PVC Piping’s low weight means that installers are less likely to be hurt. Although an extensive length of metal pipe may require a team of workers or mechanical hoists to transport, PVC Pipe is so light that a single person may quickly move a long piece. This means fewer installers are needed, and those employed can install the plumbing more rapidly than iron or steel.
Less weight also implies less expensive transportation because most transportation firms charge by weight. This also makes it possible to load bigger payloads (more pipes).
When designing pipe systems, one of the primary issues is flow rate and pressure. PVC pipes have smoother wall surfaces, which minimize fluid friction and flow resistance.
This hydraulic smoothness prevents slime buildup in sewers. Also, it eliminates tuberculation and immobilization in water distribution mains. Consequently, maintenance costs are significantly reduced, the initial pipeline design is more efficient, and the PVC pipe performs better during its lifespan.
PVC’s physical qualities provide designers with a lot of leeways when designing new goods and devising solutions that use PVC as a replacement or refurbishment material.
PVC has long been the material of choice for billboards, scaffolding, interior design objects, fresh and wastewater systems, window frames, cable insulation, and various other uses.
Adamjee Dura Built (Private) Limited was incorporated in 1984. We are the market front-runner due to our winning edge in quality control, product range, prompt and efficient service.
Since the 80s, we have been manufacturing quality electrical trunking, uPVC pipe, flexible pipe & fittings, uPVC electrical conduits, and have diversified to capture the water pipe market with DuraSDR, Dura Sch40, DuraTubewell, DuraPE and DuraFitting.